There’s nothing better, really, than a good story. And I’ve been lucky enough to discover more than a few of them through the years—stories about puffins and lawn fanatics, world-class chefs and treehouse enthusiasts, miso makers and oyster farmers. My work has appeared in national and regional publications. I’ve also been an editor at several magazines, crafted content for corporate clients, and taken on a few book and film projects. These days, I write mostly about conservation in Africa—stories about rhinos in Kenya, school girls in Tanzania, and pastoralists who care for their livestock beneath a bending African sky. Stories about people fighting for the future of our one fragile planet.
I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them. And I hope, if you have your own story to tell, that you’ll be in touch. Because wherever you happen to be rooted in this world, under whatever bending sky, there are tales to be told—light to be shared.